Cannabis Cup 2015 Denver - Sorry So Late!

Hey there Schnocktards! Hope everyone is doing well! We have been ridiculously busy since the Cannabis Cup, so we apologize about the late recap! We had an amazing show, too many good things to name them all, but we made some great contacts and met some awesome people out at the show and are really looking forward to the next one. We even passed a Sh*t Canned™ along to a gentleman from the Huffington Post who was headed to the after party with the guys from Super Troopers, so hopefully they got a hold of it and enjoyed it! We want to give a big shout out to High Times Magazine for putting on a great show and to our friends that we shared our booth with Vapor Slide (check them outhere We rocked it and had an amazing time and have been slammed ever since. So here is to many more shows and all the exposure we can get. We also want to thank all of our followers for sticking by us throughout our attempts to take over the world you will all have a special place in our domination of the earth above the rest of our minions! We will check in again soon!